Summer Art Exercises 2014: Small Summer Weekly Paintings

Summer Art Exercises 2014: Small Summer Weekly Paintings 

Hi painters, we have discussed the benefits of continuing your work over the summer.  I think that beside the multitude of images you will be working on and creating over the summer a little “gym work” will be very helpful.  To this end I have broken your “gym work” into 4 main categories:

  • Value Control
  • Palette Control
  • Brushstroke Control
  • Edge Control

Let me remind you that each of these paintings should take between 45 and 90 minutes each, they should be limited  exercises in that you will keep the single focus throughout the exercise painting. You will do the best and most elegant painting you can do given the limitations of the paintings intention and time allotment.  Each painting should have the simplest design and composition possible and should have a distinct foreground, middle ground subject, and back ground.

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Andy Braitman and all the staff at Braitman Studio